If someone tells you ‘you deserve better’ or ‘I’m not good enough for you’.
They are aware of their own value…what they are bringing to the table and they are telling you that they cannot deliver what you want or need.
If they already don’t feel good enough within themselves…they are going to drag you down to their level…
Take their own self-evaluation at it’s word…and save yourself a lot of agony…because the truth is you DO deserve much much better…than them.
They told you THAT themselves…who are you to prove them wrong…
Beware of the flip side of that behavior…
Someone trying to sell you a bill of goods that they absolutely don’t have any ownership of…
They will try to make you believe they are ‘something’ that they are not…
Same ending to the story of both of these personality types…for YOU!
They are shooting blanks…
You dodged that bullet…
In both cases…they don’t got what you want or need…