Whatever is happening to you is also happening to others in our world…Imagine that!!
Just that awareness is impactful…we are not alone.
Just that awareness is healing…we are not alone.
We are ALL connected by our experiences.
My experiences are not unique to ‘just me’.
We all go through similar cycles.
If I’m falling in love…the same is happening to others…if I’m getting abused right now…well guess what…there are 1000s of others that the same thing is happening to…if I’m dying…also the same…you get my drift.
Cycles of life…we are all in cycles…just at different junctures.
If you don’t pay attention and learn the lesson you can keep repeating the same cycle over and over with worse repercussions to wake you the hell up.
Of this I am a repeat offender.
The ones that are at the end of one cycle are aware enough and can help the ones who have just started…that’s how we are all connected…that’s how we all survive.
People who have experienced what you have experienced will resonate the most…the rest will catch up in time…or never.
You find and create your soul tribe by the similarities of your experiences…in person or online.
You will meet people that you don’t resonate with at all…there’s a reason for that…they are not on your souls path…it’s like speaking 2 different languages…or on different frequencies.
You will find people around who are die hard supporters…cherish them…nurture those relationships…leave the rest alone.
If you can find your soul tribe who can help you through life…you are a lucky person.
What I write about I draw from my own experiences. But my experiences are not unique to ONLY my life’s journey.
The people who introduced negative experiences into my life were not THAT special or unique.
We ALL meet very similar personality types and come across similar experiences…that’s why what I write about resonates with a lot of you.
People may ALL be different but personality types don’t vary by much.
We have ALL experienced the varying degrees of ‘arsehole’.
Circle of Life…
When one cycle ends a new one begins.
It doesn’t mean shit won’t happen…it just means you won’t sit in it…you will cycle out of it quicker. You get another opportunity to use the lessons that you’ve learned from the last cycle to make the next one exceptional.