They should really teach Narcissism in high school…it would be much more useful than Calculus!
Awareness is key against such people.
When dealing with a narcissist you are essentially engaging with a lifelong Con artist, a criminal…but there are no laws governing their crime because emotional manipulation is not legally a crime.
Most criminals are Narcissistic…they crossed the boundaries into illegal territory…there are laws governing that.
They do things for their own benefit regardless of the outcome.
They are robbing people of their sanity, self respect, dignity, finance, reputation, health and time…
They destroy lives…repeatedly.
This type of psychological abuse is cruel, insidious and dangerous.
Verbal, emotional and psychological abuse leaves no visible scars…it is the worse kind of abuse…just horrendous memories etched in one’s mind and loads of emotional and physical trauma to unravel and heal from.
THAT is a crime!
If they can penalize a kid for shop lifting candy…there should be laws governing a full grown adult…knowingly and repeatedly robbing people years of their life and then going on to repeat the same offence with another person.
They are serial repeat offenders…