By definition…
Core beliefs are the underlying ideas we hold about ourselves, others and the world. These ideas develop during childhood as you begin to use your relationships with caregivers and your own experience to interpret the world around you.
We are ALL affected by our core beliefs…covertly…our entire lives…until we become aware of them.
A few simple examples….
‘Must be nice’
Is a core belief of envy…you wish you had what the other person has…even if you have not worked for it…but imagine you deserve it.
‘I only have bad luck’
It’s a core belief that good things only happen to others and not to you. There’s no such thing as bad luck or coincidences…you may have absolutely no idea what the other person had to go through to get what they have.
‘I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop’.
Remember that you have full control of that other shoe that’s still in your hand.
Self deprecation…it’s an unchecked issue that most people who do it…don’t even realize they are doing it…I’m fat…I’m ugly…I’m insecure…I’m whatever.
It’s a core belief that you are not worthy enough…to yourself.
You are being cruel and unkind to your own self.
If you are unkind to yourself no one will be kind to you.
NO ONE is enforcing these beliefs on you…but YOU!
To change your beliefs, you have to be as honest as possible with what they are in the first place.
Your core beliefs have NOTHING to do with your surroundings or other people and have EVERYTHING to do with YOU.
And that’s the good news…
You are in control of making a change.
If you care too much of what other people think or believe about you…you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
We ALL have these unconscious core beliefs that are formed based on our life experiences and what other people have made us believe.
These core beliefs were imprinted on you…they do not belong to you.
They are NOT yours!
You have full control over what you believe to be true.
You are what you believe you are.