My little twin comes running to me…distressed…Miss Ryna Miss Ryna (It’s a battle I have graciously accepted) Zeeboo is copying me…
I said…that is wonderful…she wants to be just like you.
She looked confused…then smiled.
It’s the highest form of flattery.
If they copy or imitate you it means they value what they are copying.
It means they actually admire what you are doing/saying/wearing…whatever it may be.
It may also means that they are in competition and are jealous of you.
You will know the difference… if they discredit you, poo poo you, mock you or disregard you or speak ill of you inside their head or to others…but still copy or try to imitate you…they are jealous…
Nothing wrong with wanting to be like or do like someone else…we all grew up aspiring to be or do something what we considered great…
I wanted to be Zeenat Aman since I was 4…I even sang and danced fantasizing I was her… and sonofagun…I am✌️😜
Just making a point 👉 😉