Narcissists are not born that way…they are created through their traumas…just like ALL of us…just like any other criminals…and perpetuated by their own deviant behaviors…NOT the same as us.
There is a fine line and a few traits that separates us from being a thief or any kind of trickster or criminal.
Lack of integrity, level of laziness and desperation…plus the number of times you have gotten away with ALL those ⏫️ behaviors is what determines your future behaviors.
Any one of us could get stuck in that environment…reluctantly.
Narcissists thrive in that environment…because they have created that environment themselves for themselves and for those who engage with them.
And because they are aware…NO ONE would see it…believe it…or dare call them out!
YOUR overflowing empathy will always balance out their lack of it…to your detriment.
Their BIG fat fragile EGO is their permanent domicile address….
Destroy that fragile domicile and they become ‘homeless’.
We all make mistakes…it’s human…
The difference between us and narcissistic people is not the ability to do or not do wrong…
Their inability to EVER take accountability or admit to their wrong doings is what separates them from us…
NO ACCOUNTABILITY is a dangerous character trait…
Our integrity is the ONLY quality that stops us from being a criminal.
Desperate and hungry enough…YOU WILL STEAL FOOD!
People always ‘serving’ you without you reciprocating…you will continue to expect that…and continue to not reciprocate.
You lie often enough and long enough without getting caught…why would you stop!
Did you think a pathological liar was going to stop being pathological for YOU…
Awww that’s cute!
You train people how to treat you…and when you accommodate their bad behaviors…you are condoning and making allowances for them to repeat those behaviors.
Continue your own toxic traits of accommodating such people and you will find yourself Caught is a bad Romance…again…and again…and again!
Watch YOU on Netflix…
It shows how 2 personalities can live inside one person so ‘successfully’ because of their very humble vulnerable façade.