

Forgiveness....By definition...Forgiveness is a gift of love and trust to yourself...and others.It's not condoning another's bad behaviors, but releasing your own resentment and anger toward them.Resentment, disgust, disappointment, anger, sadness, grief etc. are ALL normal feelings after being fucked over...it's a human response and process...it means you have the capacity to care and love and feel.You should be more concerned

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We do what we think works…

We do what we think works...We learn to be manipulative as children...It's part of growing up...We are learning to use our 'tools'...We will repeat what we 'think' works again and again...But even as a kid there is a difference in the kind of manipulation...and says a lot about the kind of person you are dealing with.For example...We have one kid

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Till Death do us part….

Leaving scars on your Soul...I often wonder if people have experienced childhood asI have and perhaps adulthood as well.Maybe you have...maybe you are not aware...or maybe you haven't.I do not know...I write about my own experiences...perhaps to help someone.I write truth about truthful experiences...painful as it may be.I was not awake to any of this myself until I was...Now there's

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The Original Sin….

Narcissistic caregivers will treat you how no one should EVER be treated...but you don't know this at the time because you are a child.***This is who they are***That ⏫️ sentence will help you keep it REAL and help you heal at a future time by adjusting your magical thinking process...ie...I'm gonna 'fix' them or help them feel better about themselves.

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Goodbyes…not as in the Movies 🎬…

Not having the chance to say goodbye is rough...Just like forgiveness...it's for ourselves...not for the dearly departed nor for those who have departed intentionally from our lives.Having a chance to say goodbye is for the living because we will never know how it affected them...at that final hour.That's our own guilt...But my imagination still troubles meMy own guilt still troubles

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Narcissists are going out of fashion

Over the last decade or so...at least for me...I've lived in it...apparently I've lived in it my whole life 😐Now...it's EVERYWHERE...On fb on YouTube on Google...on every media.It's almost turned into a fad...We calling someone a Narcissist and then they calling us a narcissist...it's like a kid's game...you stupid...no you stupid...no you stupid. Actually both quite stupid...One for thinking they

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If you want a Narcissist to be FULLY invested in you and your life...Break up with them!Strange...NOT for a Narcissist!Narcissists pay more attention to ALL their exes and their lives...after the funeral and burial⚰️ALL their exes are now also YOUR exes...like sister wives...but in the afterlife.During the situationship, you will have the privilege to associate with ALL the exes...Plus...you also

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Loyal people choose to be loyal...EVERYTIME...Loyalty is an inherent quality...you either have it or you don't. You can't grow it buy it or fake it...and you certainly can't steal it.Hanging with disloyal and dishonest people is exhausting...It's like walking in a minefield...blindfolded...anticipating an explosion.*Loyalty is a virtue and a gift from the giver to the recipient...so treat it as such***Loyalty

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Caught in a bad Romance….

Narcissists are not born that way...they are created through their traumas...just like ALL of us...just like any other criminals...and perpetuated by their own deviant behaviors...NOT the same as us. There is a fine line and a few traits that separates us from being a thief or any kind of trickster or criminal. Lack of integrity, level of laziness and desperation...plus

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Holding space….

Holding space.....By definition...means being physically, mentally, and emotionally present for someone. It means putting your focus on someone to support them as they feel their feelings. An important aspect of holding space is managing judgment while you are present.Caveat:You don't wait around and hold space for people to 'behave better'...you leave...and let them learn to behave better on their own

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