Living My New Reality


You can change and transmute fear, anger, resentment, pain into some thing else...but you cannot change love into anything else. Love stays love...because we can't attach conditions to love. If you love someone those feelings don't go away .Love cannot be changed into hate...they are mutually exclusive...they both cannot exist at the same timeThe opposite of love is not hate

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antique bills business cash

Flip side of the same coin…

Codependency.....trying to find an outside solution to an internal problem.People become codependent by their up bringing, by being in long term marriages...or being in controlling or dysfunctional relationships.As children we are naturally codependent on our parents...but in an unhealthy parent child dynamic the parent is codependent on the child...for constant attention and validation.These kind of children usually end up in

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two men with adhesive tape over their mouth hugging

Suppressed emotions…

Suppressing emotions over a lifetime turns our minds into a toxic self imprisonment. This behavior is perpetuated in relationships.People who are unable to feel, express or convey their emotions will suppress them out of necessity, fear of expression or habit for self preservation. This may be a learned behavior as a child...usually with parents who feel and speak for the

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How we grieve….

The better question would be... what do we grieve?Do you know what you have allowed yourself to grieve over your lifetime? We associate grief with death.In actuality through our lifetime we go through many types of loss that go unprocessed.Sickness, divorce, breakups, leaving one's country, losing pets, losing jobs, losing friendships etc are all a type of loss.Grief is grief

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frozen wave against sunlight

My 2 Pains….

My comparison of the 2 types of pain I had to face. Losing Robbie was absolutely tragic and heart breaking.We were a part of each other's life for almost 30 years. Getting over the abusive relationship was traumatizing and took a lot of intentional effort on my part to overcome. Both grief...both pain...but both a different kind of pain. Both

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The Best worst experience of my life….

A friend of mine mentioned to me they were trying to imagine what I had gone through.Here's my answer to that.It's hard to 'imagine' unless you have experienced Narcissistic abuse yourself.It's not something a 'normal' mind can fathom or easily comprehend.That's why during the recovery stage we only share with others who have experienced the same type of abuse.It is

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man standing on tree branch during sunset

The BIGGER picture…A Divine Detour.

A week after the Narcissist ran away...literally pushed me and ran away like a ex husband Robbie was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma and came to stay with me to care for him.Ironically, he saved me but I could not save him.My friend died in April 2019 from Cancer. My life has been Divinely orchestrated for the past 5

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Easy as 1…2…3…

Narcissists have only 3 bombing, devaluation and discarding.Rinse and repeat. It doesn't matter if these steps are ALL with you or involves multiple's the same 3 steps.When they are devaluing you they could be love bombing someone else.It doesn't matter if it's romantic or's just a compulsive need for attention.I lived this.... Unwittingly...I did 9 cycles of

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