

Wherever you go...there you are.Like everyone else's...my home is full of memories.Mostly good...and some not so good.When Robbie died...I spent  a week getting rid of his clothes and his medical supplies and the last bits and pieces of his stuff in my home...the sooner I got rid of everything that reminded me of the last 6 months he spent struggling

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Prison or Privilege….

My friend who lives in Kuwait...and gratefully so just like EVERYONE else who lives there...during a conversation about life in Kuwait said to me 'at least they allow us to pray in church'. Hmmm...WOW!!! They 'allow' us to pray!!!That's some privilege!!!They take away ALL your freedoms and hand you bits and pieces of breadcrumbs...that makes you feel so grateful.I understand

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Flying Monkeys….

By definition....Flying monkeys is a phrase used in popular psychology to describe people who are acting on behalf of another to control a targeted individual.Usually a person of some power is be able to corral support...by money, charm, popularity, fake empathy, gas lighting...just pure bullshit.The unaware support are called flying monkeys.They are blinded by the light...just like you were...in the

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It’s as simple as that….

Red Flags...by definition.Something your partner does that indicates a lack of respect, integrity or interest towards the relationship.It's a sign that a person will turn out to be (or is) a problematic partner.I didn't know about red flags...Till at 51 I was 'happily sitting' with a person who wore a neon green hat full of red flags and I still

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Russian Roulette in the dark…

EVERYONE has a dark side and a light side...we learn to balance them by our morals, principles, values, integrity etc. Emotionally unbalanced, deviant or toxic people also have light sides but don't have these checks and balances to fall back on...there is an imbalance...they easily get drawn to operate from their dark side...their boundaries are blurry.Initially everyone is drawn to

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** A self-deprecating person knows their own weaknesses and shortcomings and isn't afraid to point them out, often in a humorous way. When being self-deprecating goes too far, it can become self-loathing and self-sabotaging, which are less amusing forms of putting yourself down **Self deprecation...it's an unchecked issue that most people who do it...don't even realize they are doing it.Complain much?Not only are you being unkind to yourself...you are also draining everyone

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Our Karmic Lessons….

We all go through karmic lessons in our life trying to fix the hurt and trauma we have experienced in this lifetime or the past.These are presented in relationships through repetitious patterns and scenarios.These relationships aren’t meant to last but they are learning experiences for those who do go through them.Their main objective in our lives is for us to:*Learn

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Life is full of signs...Family, friends, aquaintances, colleagues ALL show us signs and vice versa that we need to pay attention to.These are some of the important ones. 1. Unease...you body will feel uneasy around certain people...when you don't pay attention to your intuition you will have physical reactions...like a sense of anxiety around them. 2. Dissatisfaction and the lack

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Effort or Struggle….

There is a difference between putting in effort into a relationship verses struggling in a relationship.Toxic people make you struggle...they keep the situationshit in first gear and reverse...by toggling in and out of the relationship and blaming you for their indecisiveness.The only effort they put in is to push that thing into reverse.Struggling to keep your head above water in

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Who can get Emotionally Abused….

Anyone can get Emotionally abused.People don't get emotionally abused because they are not strong...they get emotionally abused because the abusive person is weak and can only accomplish things through manipulation.It's hard to stop giving people the benefit of the doubt when that is what you are used to doing...it's hard to not trust people...when that is what you are used

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