By the time you realize that you are entangeling with narcissists…you are already a lifetime and knee-deep in crap…head first.
That last narcissist might quite possibly be my life saver.
Ironic? …VERY!
He woke me the fuck up by putting me through a very painfully harsh experience.
Sending blessings out to that precious memory!
It was my ‘near death experience’….my WHOLE life flashed before my eyes.
I have been going through these same narcissistic cycles over and over…with different people.
The life long ones happens in slow motion mode…you are being groomed and brainwashed very slowly…you don’t even recognize it.
That last one was quick and vicious…that’s the only reason I realized something was ‘wrong’.
Once you are aware…everyday is a revelation after that…
You cannot undo what’s already done…
You cannot unsee what you have already seen…
The healing is painfully time consuming and consumed with pain.
This is as close as I got to rock bottom…but I didn’t let the rocks hit my bottom.
The good news…there was nowhere to go but UP.
You have just learned that you bounce…
You have been doing it ALL your life…you were just not aware.
Bounce baby…it’s your time to bounce.