Most people’s illusion of themselves does not match reality.
You will know this by what they say…and then what they actually will do.
They will say idealistic stuff to you…people are trained to say the ‘right’ stuff but their actions show the ‘real’ stuff.
A simple example…someone might say…I would take care of you if you are sick…but when the time comes for that care…they are nowhere you be found.
This is more common than not.
Learn to recognize this without making it your own.
It also helps you determine who is worth your time.
If people’s words don’t match their actions…it’s a form of manipulation…they are trying to make you think of them in a certain way.
There is a big discrepancy between what comes out of their mouth and what they actually will do.
Your mind tends to believe words…
Their mismatched actions confuse you…
Believe your Eyes and not your Ears…
Believe their actions…
Their words are just trying to convince you and themselves of who they are…
But their actions will show you exactly who they are.

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