There always needs to be a balance for things to work out in this world.
Yin and yang…good and bad…love and hate…war and peace…what you give you get…when there’s a high there’s always a crashing low…what goes up must come down…you get my drift.
For every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.
That’s the way relationships work as well.
ALL relationships are symbiotic.
You are attracted to people who can give you something that you may not have…or that you have and are willing to share.
A relationship with a Narcissist is also based on what they can get…but the very nature of a stingy Narcissist is to take whatever they can get and give as little as possible…with the least amount of effort…like a parasite.
Being an Empath is not the greatest designation…because it comes with a lot of life long tolerances that are detrimental to your survival.
Unless you are an aware Empath.
Simplistically…not exclusively.
An empath live their life controlled by their upper energy centers…their heart and mind.
The Narcissist…live their life controlled by their lower energy centers…their ego and their genitals.
An empath and a narcissist fit together like Lego…one is a total giver the other a total taker.
A perfect match made in Hell.
The Narcissist wants what the Empath represents…ALL things sweet…love, emotions, empathy, sympathy…all that the Narcissist lacks.
An Empath represents true Manna from Heaven for the hungry…and the greedy.
By the very nature of the Empath…they find a sense of fulfillment by giving to others.
The empath can learn to balance their heart with their mind…using logic.
Unfortunately for the Narcissist…it’s impossible to balance their ego with their genitals.
Their ego controls their genitals and vice versa.
Not so great news for the Empath who is trying to have a successful relationship with a big fat broken ego that’s controlled by their genitals.
Hence the joke…he’s sitting on his brain.
That’s the reason they can cheat so easily…their heart and mind were NEVER involved.
If you cause a narcissistic injury by bruising their fragile ego or refusing sex…they be off!!! 🏃♂️
Lose-lose proposition for the Empath.
It is very easy to cause an injury to a fragile ego.
The Narcissist will use the little they have…ego to manipulate the empath and genitals to create a pseudo relationship to syphon what they need from the empath.
Perfect for the Narcissist…not so great for the Empath.
They just take what you willingly give away…without reciprocation.
As horrendous as that experience is…it actually happens to you for your own good.
Now you will recognize what you are doing is working for EVERYONE else around you…but YOU.
YOU are required to heal and not stay stagnant in the same repetitive cycle.
People can fuck with your vulnerabilities but they cannot compromise your inner self or your love.
It is your inner self and your own love that will help you in your recovery.
If you are trying to make yourself feel better by immediately having sex with someone else…it won’t help…you are not wired like that…you are not wired like a narcissist.
Taking responsibility for your own participation in this dynamic will help you take back your power…it means you are in control of your actions and your miss-actions.
YOU saw the red flags and chose to ignore them!
You made that fucked up decision ALL on your own…focus on THAT!
Learn to recognize when to leave the party.
Learn to find balance between all your energy centers.
Find balance in what you are willing to give away and more importantly to whom.
Find people who are willing to respect, honor, value and not abuse your wonderful empathic qualities.