A Narcissist will pillow talk with their current target about their exes…
They do this is a very unassuming nonchalant way…like they are sharing and being vulnerable…
They are absolutely NOT!
They are trying to provoke jealousy in you so you will ‘try’ harder…your reaction is juicy supply to a narcissist.
They will try to trigger and provoke jealousy in you…in a sick twisted manner.
It’s a wide range of bullshit….
They will either brag about the exes and what a great relationship they had…or they will talk about their sexual escapades and will demean them by talking about them in a derogatory manner…
Both techniques will provoke jealousy in a human’s mind…it creates a sense of competition…
It seems harmless enough…
It is NOT!
This is how they implant ‘worms’ in your mind.
Thoughts that burrow in your mind…they will implant many such thoughts…
Your healing will entail deworming these thoughts.
These are not your thoughts…
You are not crazy…
You are not overreacting…
They did this intentionally with a diabolical purpose.
They create a false sense of desirability and competition within your dynamic…as if he/she is such a treasure and so desired.
The Narcissist told me dating him was like winning the lottery 🙄😏🤪
Luckily I didn’t have the winning numbers 😁🙏👏
In actuality most of their many exes cheated on them and dumped them for another person.
You get what you give.
Don’t allow this kind of toxic nonsense mess with your mind…because THAT is exactly the purpose.
Become aware of such techniques…
It comes from a toxic demented person who is just using you and trying to get you trauma bonded before they discard you and target their next victim…just for fun.
Fucking with your life is a fun game to a narcissist.
You think their next victim got a better version of them?
Think again….
They are talking about YOU to their next victim…you are crazy and they are a victim.
Now their current target will try harder not to be ‘crazy’ 🤪 to win the lottery 😄🎰
I know unsavory details of women I never ever knew…NOTHING good…but the Narcissist still kept them in their lives as shelfers…life long shelfers…all while speaking ill about them.
ALWAYS remember…
***If they do it with you they will do it to you***
People who care and love you and have genuine honorable intentions towards you will treat you honorably because they won’t want to risk losing you with reckless behaviors.
Wondering why a person would operate in such a manner?
DON’T…it’s called a mental disorder for a reason.