
Looking for volunteers….

There are no victims, only volunteers” — meaning that when you tolerate unacceptable behavior, you volunteer for it.Once you set proper boundaries and learn to identify abusive patterns you can choose to walk away.Verbal, emotional and psychological abuse leaves no visible scars...it is the worse kind of abuse...just horrendous memories etched in one's mind.The first step for me to stop

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Be Kind….

Some people spend their whole life...days, weeks, months, years, decades...where NO ONE asks them...are you ok?Not EVERYONE have people in their lives. We can get used to ANYTHING...We can get used to eating with no teeth...chomping on gums.Would we prefer teeth...sure...but gums is all we have...so we make do.I think Covid made us all experience this to a certain extent.

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Avoidant…Commitment phobe…or Narcissistic….

Avoidant...Commitment phobe...or Narcissistic...It doesn't matter...the end result is still the same.What you allow...will continue. When you enter into a relationship with a narcissistic person, commitment phobe or an avoidant person, all your green flags will look like red flags to them.If you are attentive and show interest they will see it as being needy.If you show them that you would

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I met a very 'interesting' person...on my trip...well he thought he was interesting.I did not...I find EVERYONE informative.He was in a group of men...a fraternity of 5 from somewhere. I met them on my last day there.As I was walking to the beach...he had to say something...It was a cute exchange...Just flirtatious...Later on I met them at breakfast...Of course he

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The Good the Bad and the Ugly….

Sometimes, bad stuff happens for you to recognize and appreciate the good.'I led a pretty charmed life'I was determined to make it charmed...It wasn't at all charmed...But I pretended it was...because I wanted it to be that.I think we ALL do that to some extent.We can tend to ignore reality and pretend EVERYTHING is 'good.' I know I did....I made

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World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day….

WNAAD...June 1st is World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day.For me, this day is particularly poignant and significant. WNAAD was established in 2016...the same year that I found out that I was involved in such an experience. I started writing in support forums in 2017...when I was spinning in the tornado...right from the center of Hell...now I share my story and my

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Angel is one of the very talented performers at the Riu.I've interacted with him in fun moments on my last few trips there.I saw a fb post of his...it was a black ribbon for cancer.I couldn't quite get the Spanish translation to tell who died. So on my last day there he came to join me for lunch.I asked him

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Narcissistic abuse is very traumatizing to the psyche for many reasons...First...it always comes from a person who plays an important role in your life.A caregiver, insignificant other, spouse, siblings, close friend etc.You wouldn't be bothered if it was from a stranger...or from someone you didn't care about. You have fully and blindly placed your trust in this person...WITHOUT a valid

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Silence of the Lambs….

A Narcissists worst nightmare is the TRUTH...They count on your silence...They know you will be too embarrassed or ashamed or fearful to say ANYTHING...When they leave they try to instill fear in you...with bullying tactics.In my case he tried to get me fired from my job and tried to file a restraining order against me when I spoke my truth...to

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Falling in love with Yourself….

Narcissists are chained to their baggage...don't take on any of it as your own...it's awful baggage...they lead an awful life.They cheat because they are cheaters...They lie because they are liars...YOU are none of these things.They ALWAYS end up being lied and cheated on...because they are cheaters and liars.THAT'S called karma...You get what you give.YOU are none of those things...don't carry

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