
Lessons and Blessings….

Don't allow people make you diverge or contradict your true character...If they do...you are not meant to be with each other...permanently...You met them for a purpose...You will meet a lot of them...pay attention.These people are your lessons...Find people who bring out the best in you...not your worst.These people are your blessings.Ironically...your lessons will help you recognize your blessings.

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For my soul sister who is on the same journey as me...but at a different juncture.Your emotions are valid and much needed. I hope this gives you something to hold on to ❤️✌️Anger....Anger is a Secondary Emotion.Typically, one of the primary emotions, like fear or sadness, can be found underneath the anger.Fear includes things like anxiety and worry, and sadness

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We’ve come a long way Baby….

People seem to think that those who write blogs and share material on fb or other platforms think of themselves as not having personal issues or are better than others...That is absolutely NOT true!I can only speak for myself....EVERYTHING that I write about I have experienced or am still dealing and healing from.I am able to put into words what

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Make it make Sense….

I was listening to 3 four year olds talking to each other...something nonsensical...about grandma and a basket ball.The youngest one then says...make it make sense.Isn't that profound...I know he was just repeating something he has heard at home...But that was so thought provoking...Most things we go through in life...doesn't make sense. It doesn't...and you cannot make it make sense because

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It's a much required phase of life...that's when you focus on YOURSELF. When you get to a difficult season of your life and need help...you will realize people that once were around you...scatter.The reason is two-fold...One...and most important...these are NOT your peeps...family or friends...same.You have too many irrelevant redundant people in your life.You have been given the opportunity to remove

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My little twin comes running to me...distressed...Miss Ryna Miss Ryna (It's a battle I have graciously accepted) Zeeboo is copying me...I said...that is wonderful...she wants to be just like you.She looked confused...then smiled.Copying....It's the highest form of flattery.If they copy or imitate you it means they value what they are copying. It means they actually admire what you are doing/saying/wearing...whatever

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Bounce. ..

By the time you realize that you are entangeling with narcissists...you are already a lifetime and knee-deep in crap...head first.That last narcissist might quite possibly be my life saver.Ironic? ...VERY!He woke me the fuck up by putting me through a very painfully harsh experience.Sending blessings out to that precious memory!It was my 'near death experience'....my WHOLE life flashed before my

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What’s in a Name….

Most people who know me don't know me at all.I have a handful of people who can say they know me well enough to say they know me...and vice-versa...perhaps some through osmosis...and now one of them is dead.That does not include ANY family members. The rest of the people...ONLY know my name...including family members. I know this by the questions

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Looking for volunteers….

There are no victims, only volunteers” — meaning that when you tolerate unacceptable behavior, you volunteer for it.Once you set proper boundaries and learn to identify abusive patterns you can choose to walk away.Verbal, emotional and psychological abuse leaves no visible scars...it is the worse kind of abuse...just horrendous memories etched in one's mind.The first step for me to stop

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