
Word up!

Learn to read people's energy correctly...People will teach you how to read them...themselves...by their behaviors. So pay attention...People come around speaking one type of special shit and then doing another. Your words should match your actions and vice-versa. If a person's words do not match their actions...they are either lying or manipulating you...or both.There's power in words...Your word should be

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Hot Potato….

When you tell a person of an undesirable behavior or some shit they did, said or didn't do and they refuse to take accountability...Who ends up feeling bad...Yup...not them!If a person refuses to take accountability for their actions...they will hand it to you by their denial...That's how people project their issues onto you. That's called playing Hot Potato...Not only will

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I apologize for whatever I did….

At the daycare when we try to teach the kids to apologize to one another for some shit they did or said to another kid...we ask the kids...what are you sorry about...say it to the other kid.It is very important...if you are going to apologize...to state what you are apologizing for.It means 'something' when you specify what you are sorry

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What you are left with….

The best part of getting rid of a toxic relationship...You will realize you are left with NOTHING substantial to miss from that entanglement. There were plenty of good memories...sure...but the bad experiences outweighed the good ones and negated them.ALL relationships have pros and cons...because you both bring that in with you. When the cons outweigh the pros...that's when it becomes

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Unhealed you….

If you put people through the same trauma you have experienced...it means you have not healed yourself from your past experiences. For example...if your wife cheats on you...unhealed version of you will cheat on your next partner. If you cheat on your partner...you will most likely be cheated on.You get what you give and you give what you get...when unhealed

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Training 101….

I was trained to deal with Narcissists by Narcissists.First hand training...I learned from the best of the worst.The worst experience was the first one and the last one...In between there were several more...with me jumping through hoops twisting myself into a pretzel to accommodate their never ending insecurities. The impact of the first one still lives on...and always will because

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Quality over Quantity….

When you remove people from your life or even if they remove themselves from your life and your life becomes more pleasant and peaceful and they take the chaos away with them...that's a sure sign that those people were not supposed to be in your life.Pay attention...redundant people are always 'made' to disappear from your life...mostly because you wouldn't /couldn't

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I met Shabnam when were both 10ish in the fifth grade.We spent almost every day together for the next 7 years...until she left Kuwait to go to college. We met each other a couple of times in our 20s.Then our lives took very different paths and we lost track of each other for a hot minute...we always managed to keep

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Bad bad bed manners….

A Narcissist will pillow talk with their current target about their exes...They do this is a very unassuming nonchalant way...like they are sharing and being vulnerable...They are absolutely NOT!They are trying to provoke jealousy in you so you will 'try' harder...your reaction is juicy supply to a narcissist. They will try to trigger and provoke jealousy in you...in a sick

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The Good the Bad and the lessons learned….

The good experiences are just that...good experiences...they become our reference guides to identify future good experiences. If you had good role models in your childhood you have a reference to what is a good experience.Unfortunately if you had no good role models in your childhood...you are flying blind with only bad experiences to use as references to guide you. A

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