

When I was in Mexico a few weeks ago a 22 year old resort employee asked if she could join me for lunch.The employees at these resorts like to practice English with the foreigners.She had a good command over English so we had a very interesting conversation.She shared her short life story with me and I shared some of mine...the

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Mistakes, Coincidences or Course Correction….

I had built my life on rubber bands and popsicle sticks...that resulted with me engaging with someone emotionally abusive...and stayed way past it's expiration date.A narcissist is sent into our life to shake up our wobbly foundation...they are just a catalyst for change...they will huff, puff and bluff till they blow your foundation down.I needed to stop living in an

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3 very long years later….

It still hasn't registered in my head that you are not a phone call away.Robbie played an integral part in my evolution as a human.He helped me remember how strong I really was...I had no choice...Like most of my other soul growth experiences...I had no choice but to be strong.Ironically...Strength is something we all have within us...but it only shows

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My Eulogy to my Friend….

In Loving Memory of RobbieDied too young.Missed every second of every day.I met Robbie at the Harrison gym when we were both 28 and we have been in each other's life for almost 28 years .Robbie and I had a very unique bond...that most people could not understand.Ironically our bond grew after we got divorced.We were not meant to be

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Boundaries Boundaries Boundaries….

Narcissists and Empaths are not born that way...they are moulded by the experiences around them and how they choose to deal with it dependent on their basic innate character traits.In the same household one child can turn into a Narcissist and the other an Empath...depending on how they process trauma.EVERYONE goes through trauma of one kind or another...it need not

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Criminal Repeat Offenders….

They should really teach Narcissism in high school...it would be much more useful than Calculus!Awareness is key against such people.When dealing with a narcissist you are essentially engaging with a lifelong Con artist, a criminal...but there are no laws governing their crime because emotional manipulation is not legally a crime.Most criminals are Narcissistic...they crossed the boundaries into illegal territory...there are

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50 Shades of grey area….

Life is tricky...Experiences will be repeated till it registers and then some will still be repeated.Unknowingly...we make other people in charge of our sanity...Unknowingly...we give away our power to others by being too trusting.I had given away too much of my power...so much so that he used that against me to 'try' to destroy my stability...by tearing at my vulnerabilities

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Relationship leap frog….

If you can move from one relationship to another with ease without any down time...it's only possible for 2 reasons...one...you were not emotionally invested so you lost nothing...two...you are in denial.Both are life long toxic patterns.At our age it's not cute to jump from relationship to relationship.Serial dating and relationship hopping is a BIG red flag of an emotionally unavailable

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Core Beliefs….

By definition...Core beliefs are the underlying ideas we hold about ourselves, others and the world. These ideas develop during childhood as you begin to use your relationships with caregivers and your own experience to interpret the world around you.We are ALL affected by our core beliefs...covertly...our entire lives...until we become aware of them.A few simple examples....'Must be nice'Is a core

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