
Agree to disagree….

By definition...To agree not to argue anymore about a difference of opinion.For example he likes golf and his wife likes tennis, so when it comes to sports, they have agreed to disagree.This is a personal pet peeve of mine and one that I have learned to pay very close attention to.People use this statement willy-nilly to hid behind habitual bad

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We are not that unique….

Emotional abusers are ALL the same and survivors are also ALL the same.Survivors can relate and resonate with each others story.Emotional abusers also can relate to each other but they don't have support groups for abusive people🙃Their own denial supports them fully.The feelings are the same...The pain is the same...The grief is the same...And the pain of the betrayal is

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Important Concept….

A very important concept to try to live by...one that can eliminate a lot of mental anguish through our life.*Not EVERYONE is going to be your 'friend' or even 'like' you*It is NOT a requirement.....There is a spectrum for friendships or relationships.1. Heart and Soul.(Could be family or whoever is your foundation)2. I love you...just because. (Significant others or pets...interchangeably)3.

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The desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attributes belonging to someone else.For a Narcissist it's the emotion they operate from...a pathological state of envy.The pathology of envy with a Narcissist makes them unable to stop the cycles of abuse...till they destroy the target emotionally because they are envious of them.The target is forced to go full no

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How nice can you be….

I'm going to be nicer...that will fix it.Did you ever feel and think this....You are kind and nice and sweet and loving and you still feel you are not doing enough...This is the feeling that THEY have made you feel...this is intentional because it is to their benefit.When you feel you are not doing enough...you will do more.***Doing more does

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From there to here….

Just like everyone else...I too wanted the quick and easy way to recover from narcissistic abuse...to end the painful mental turmoil.There isn't one...it takes as long as it takes.There is no linear path to healing from narcissistic trauma...each person's path is unique depending on their core wounds, the emotional damage caused and the length of time involved with such a

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Closure without an Apology….

That is probably the hardest and also the most brave and courageous thing you will ever have to do for yourself.Emotionally manipulative people do not give closure.Situations with them never end well...and that's the intention.There is a very dysfunctional and disturbing intention behind that maneuver.First...they are cowards so they literally run away...and second and more importantly when there is no

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By definition...The state or quality of being loyal... faithfulness to commitments or obligations.How many of us hang on to loyalty because of time invested...We live our entire life in the service of others...we did what we were taught to do.We did that out of loyalty or habit or patterns...but more often than not to our own detriment.Comfort...is what keeps us

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By definition...Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which one person makes another person doubt his or her perceptions, experiences, memories, or understanding of events that happened.Pay attention to people who have to convince you of their character...I'm a good guy...You can trust me...I would never cheat on you...You can feel safe with me...People don't have to tell, upsell

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25 to Life….

I got married at 25 and left Kuwait to live in Egypt.How exciting!I used to joke saying that I had done 25 to Life in Kuwait.Kuwait like many other Muslim countries is male dominant and very oppressive...like being in prison. When you live there you don't know different...it feels like home...it feels 'normal'.Egypt was going to be a breath of

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