
Birthday Spectacular….

I waited my whole life for someone else to make my Birthday special...Then I realized...that 'someone else' was ME...My friends made my 55th birthday pretty special...I got to jump out of a cake...bucket list stuff for me.I'm grateful to them for that experience...it was a pretty memorable event for me.The next 2 birthdays I threw myself my own party.Last year

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Thank You….

Miss Evelyn M. Ryan ...When I see your posts about your beautiful Alex...I find them adorable and it triggers a little green jelly in me...not in a bad way...but in a 'I want' way...which is what jealousy is all about anyway...right? I want to feel...I want to be...I want to have...I want.....That was an alien feeling to me...I thought. I'm

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Giving and Receiving….

A Holiday Special....Love...unconditional or conditional.By definition....Unconditional means not subject to any conditions.The distinction between unconditional love and conditional love...conditional love is "earned" on the basis of conscious or unconscious conditions being met by the other person, whereas in unconditional love, love is "given freely" to the loved one "no matter what". Loving is primary.Children and pets love unconditionally.Your unconditional love

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Your fearful Inner Child…

If trauma is not processed in a healthy manner...the abused can very easily become the abuser.A very good example of that would be how Child Molesters are more often than not molested as children themselves.Emotionally abusive people are also a direct product and a perfect example of the abused becoming abusive.When people experience trauma as children or even as an

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Intentionally Harmful

There is no mistaking abuse from a Narcissist as someone just having a bad day.We ALL have bad days...we don't seek to destroy someones life just because we are feeling...meh!There is a difference between making a 'mistake' as opposed to cruel intentional manipulative actions to harm another.We ALL have the free will to make choices every day...we can choose to

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Who are we to doubt….

I have shared quite a bit of my journey with you all through my blog.My last few years...8 years to be exact...have been a series of unrelated unfortunate events that were actually all related.Maybe I just wasn't paying attention before that.I found out Robbie was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's lymphoma in the same week of when I was hand picked

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There always needs to be a balance for things to work out in this world.Yin and yang...good and bad...love and hate...war and peace...what you give you get...when there's a high there's always a crashing low...what goes up must come down...you get my drift.For every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.That's the way relationships work as well.ALL

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A B C’ s….

You only get what you give...When you give breadcrumbs...you don't get a delicious moist cake in return.That's how the life works.People who are interested in you will show you their interest...you won't have to ask for it.Just because you have been a certain way ALL your life...it doesn't make it is right or a good way to be.You just can

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You are not an exception to their rule….

Most emotional abusers will NEVER apologize...because they don't really care about what they did to you or how it affects your soul.Some will...but ONLY when they are cornered.You get to decide...Is this a one time event or is this a pattern...is THIS who this person is.The one's who refuse to apologize are not willing to take accountability for their actions...that

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