When you care too much about your public reputation you will create a fake public persona…that is absolutely nothing like you…because you have put more importance on what people think about you than who you truly are.
You can actually forget who you are and learn to live the lie that you created for yourself.
You learn to believe your own lie…you learn to live in your lie.
We ALL do that to a certain extent.
Some of us may feel we have to be a completely different person in order to be accepted by others.
Some people are a whole different person in public than they are in private.
Some people can morph into different people to blend in with different groups of people.
At this point you are living a lie dictated by others…and what you think they might ‘like’.
You can fake a persona for a very looooong time…but not forever!
You will get tired, sloppy and slip at some point…unintentionally or unknowingly perhaps.
You can get chained and stuck in your lie…because you are living in it.
The Universe will give you what you want…a fake reputation it is!
They will shove it down your throat.
Now you have to struggle to maintain that fake reputation that you created…by more lies.
How tiresome!
When you can sit with yourself by yourself for extended periods of time without the input and company of others…you are ONLY at the beginning of knowing your true self…let alone liking your own self.
***If you cannot stand to be alone in your own company…you are in bad company***
Moral of this story…
It’s much easier to live in authenticity than non-authenticity.
It’s less effort to live in authenticity than in a lie…that’s your souls natural disposition.
Living Authentically is your souls mission in this lifetime…
Living Authentically is a lifelong daily challenge…and a choice.