Angel is one of the very talented performers at the Riu.
I’ve interacted with him in fun moments on my last few trips there.
I saw a fb post of his…it was a black ribbon for cancer.
I couldn’t quite get the Spanish translation to tell who died.
So on my last day there he came to join me for lunch.
I asked him about it…he said his maternal grandmother died a week ago.
He started telling me about his life…his father died when he was very young.
Angel told me he had started working at a very young age to afford to buy meds for his Dad’s diabetes.
He made it his responsibility😞
His dad wanted him to be a child and not do this.
Angel is only @ 28 years old.
At 18 his partner had a miscarriage…they lost their baby.
He told me about how he is trying to deal with all this grief…and the more he spoked the more I realized how similar our grief stories are.
His eyes showed so much grief.
But he spoke without crying…trying so hard to be strong.
He used words that I use…to deal with grief…
I gave him the cliff notes of Robbie’s story…his lunch break was only an hour long🙃
Watching someone that you love fade away before your very eyes and die is probably the worst memory to be left with…
And he had to do this 3 times 🤕😞😢
That takes some gigantic strength and resilience to deal with so much pain.
Keeps things in perspective for me.
A very brave young man…
I’m always sent an Angel at the right time to help me deal and keep my life in perspective.