Your interaction with a Narcissist…is ALL about YOU.
This is a self-actualization journey.
It has nothing to do with the narcissist…and has EVERYTHING to do with YOU.
And that’s the good news because that means YOU are in total control of your outcome.
Chances are you have come across many such people in your lifetime but just didn’t know it and you still will continue to meet more but this time you will be better prepared to recognize the behaviors.
This experience was all about YOU.
YOU stayed despite the many very obvious red flags…YOU kept going back despite the numerous discards…YOU did not have appropriate boundaries in place to protect yourself.
Not judging…I did 9 cycles in 2.5 years and when he physically assaulted me and threw me out of a car I went back to him…so I have NO room to judge.
***You were waiting for them to change…to treat you better***
Narcissists don’t change…they just go on to find another target who will tolerate them better.
Would you allow someone to treat your child in that way? No?
So why would you allow that treatment for yourself?
Bottom line…we allowed someone to come into our lives and try to destroy us and we watched like it was happening to someone else and did nothing to protect ourselves.
THAT is the behavior we need to focus on to change…in ourselves…not the narcissist…in YOU.
ALL about YOU….

My 2cents…Narcissist or not you don’t stay in an uncomfortable situation endlessly hoping for them to change or try to ‘fix’ it…you leave.
Even Jesus turned his cheek ONLY once.
***If someone harms you, simply take it…or…even worse, continue to stay for more***
THAT behavior needed to STOP!!

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