By definition…
To agree not to argue anymore about a difference of opinion.
For example he likes golf and his wife likes tennis, so when it comes to sports, they have agreed to disagree.
This is a personal pet peeve of mine and one that I have learned to pay very close attention to.
People use this statement willy-nilly to hid behind habitual bad behaviors.
Calling someone a bitch and then telling them that we should agree to disagree is ABSOLUTELY not a agree/disagree kind of issue.
Being disrespectful or abusive name calling within a friendship or relationship should not be taken lightly or dismissed.
It comes from a place of jealousy and hate.
Do you really want to call such a person your ‘friend’…
If that is how your ‘friend’ treats you…how do you qualify an enemy.
Abusive name calling from a person who say they ‘love’ you should be a BIG RED FLAG in itself of a emotional manipulator.
Love and abuse served intermittently is a potent toxic cocktail used by abusive people to overwhelm their targets.
First…learn to categorize people correctly.
People who use profanity or aggression in anger to be abusive or dismissive towards you..are NOT your ‘friends’…let alone your lover.
Second…intentions matter…and the delivery of those intentions also matter a great deal.
Third…and most importantly…is this a reoccurring pattern.
EVERYONE makes mistakes…
EVERYONE of us pull habits out of the shitter to assist us…
Is this reckless behavior a pattern…
Only YOU can decide if you want to forgive these types of people and continue interacting with them.
No well meaning ‘friend’ will EVER cross that boundary.
Are we allowed to disagree and have a different opinion… ABSOLUTELY!!
Abusive name calling is not on that list…
Telling someone to fuck off is not on that list…
Assaulting someone physically or verbally is not on that list…
Neither is observing them assault and abuse and disrespect others.
How people treat others is always a good gage of how they will eventually treat you.
Always remember you are not an exception to their rule of reckless behaviors.
They will behave how they habitually behave.
They themselves will teach you how to choose the people you choose to hang around with.
Disrespect, reckless behaviors and jealousy are deal breakers and should absolutely not be accommodated or tolerated in relationships of ANY kind.
If they do it once and want you to ‘agree to disagree’ with them to overlook it…what next…push you onto oncoming traffic and say…
‘my bad’…to my severed head…’let’s agree to disagree’.
So pay attention!
Learn to categorize people correctly…
Also remember…if someone comes back around after treating you like crap…they do it to soothe their own soul…and not necessarily because they hurt YOU.
A ‘friend’ is someone who got your back…you will not feel like you need to watch your back or protect yourself when you are with them.
Not every conflict is an agree to disagree issue…some conflicts require a different approach and strategy for resolution.
People use this technique of ‘agree to disagree’ to avoid dealing with the ‘real’ issues and to dismiss and sweep things under the rug without resolving it.
Learn by discernment what and who you need to agree to disagree with!