Life is full of signs…
Family, friends, aquaintances, colleagues ALL show us signs and vice versa that we need to pay attention to.
These are some of the important ones.

1. Unease…you body will feel uneasy around certain people…when you don’t pay attention to your intuition you will have physical reactions…like a sense of anxiety around them.

2. Dissatisfaction and the lack of  Joy…that’s self explanatory.

3. Envy and Jealousy…it’s important because a jealous person will eventually cause you harm.
Jealousy is a very potent emotion…if you are not satisfied with your own circumstances…it can consume your whole life…and destroy others.

4. In ‘intimate’ relationships people will introduce third parties to create a sense of competition…this is a sign of an emotional manipulator…no good comes out of that liasion.
If they can resort to provoking jealousy intentionally for attention…your feelings do not matter to them…they are capable of causing much more harm to you.

5. Insincerity…people can’t fake ‘fake sincerity’ for long.
It’s important because they will have no problem harming you because you mean nothing to them…remember they are fake.

6.Mask drop…true nature of the person shows up…don’t ignore or make excuses for this one…what you now see is their ‘true’ self.

7. Can you trust their words…do their words match their actions.

8. Integrity is character…it’s the BIG one!
A person of integrity should be revered…a person without integrity will bring you a lot of conflict and confusion and self doubt.
There are constant signs in our environment. Pay attention to them.

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