For my soul sister who is on the same journey as me…but at a different juncture.
Your emotions are valid and much needed.
I hope this gives you something to hold on to ❤️✌️
Anger is a Secondary Emotion.
Typically, one of the primary emotions, like fear or sadness, can be found underneath the anger.
Fear includes things like anxiety and worry, and sadness comes from the experience of loss, disappointment or discouragement.
My soul sister was troubled that she was struggling with anger after removing herself from an abusive experience…
Sure you will feel sad resentful and angry when you figure out that you have been taken for a ride by the people who say they ‘love you’.
It would be crazy if you weren’t angry.
You should have been crazy mad a long time ago…you would have made better decisions sooner…a long time ago.
YOU are responsible for your own safety and your own life.
Anger is what changed my mindset from ‘victim’ to stand up and protect myself.
If you surpressed your anger when someone is abusing you…when the fuck were you going to get angry…
You are NOW in an abusive relationship…NOW is the time to be angry…and wake the fuck up.
You have allowed someone to abuse you, berate you, and jeer and sneer at their ‘perceived accomplishments’.
When were you going to take your own life seriously…because your abuser surely doesn’t.
Most of us have grown up feeling ashamed or fearful of expressing our emotions…
We were taught to surpress our emotions out of shame…
When the fuck were you going to protect yourself…
When your abuser pushed you into a grave…
Stand the fuck up…
If you don’t…some arsehole out there will bury you alive.
I was pushed to the brink of Hell…
At my lowest point…I walked to the edge of Hell holding hands with the Devil…he looked at me and said…JUMP…what the hell else can you do???
I looked down into the fires of Hell…turned around and strangled the m’fer to death with my bare hands and pushed him right back into whence he came from and walked clear the other way…
Not today Satan…wrong day…wrong lifetime…wrong person.
Anger did that for me…ohm😉
Now I know to use my anger to protect myself.
Anger is a valid emotion…
Feel it…
Use it…
It’s there for your protection.