The better question may be what do we grieve?
Do you know what you have allowed yourself to grieve over your life time?
We associate grief with death.
In actuality through our lifetime we go through many types of loss that go unprocessed.
Sickness, divorce, breakups, leaving ones county, losing pets, losing jobs, losing friendships etc are ALL a type of loss.
Grief is grief and has to be processed in the same way.
I found out that I had lots of griefs I had not processed through my lifetime…I just swallowed it.
You can’t bypass, ignore or go around pain…you have to go through it to process it.
‘I’ll give you something to cry about’…or worse…were the standard disciplinary measures that most of us grew up with.
It’s counterproductive…it makes us learn to stifle all our negative emotions…out of fear of getting more to cry about.
I had to learn to grieve…
My Dad, young love Philip, Robbie, my 2 divorces, all my lost relationships, even the abusive situation…after all they were ALL part of my life…and me.
I had to grieve the time and effort lost, but most of all I had to grieve the death of my old self.
I am grateful to her and I miss her…she did the best she could with what she knew…just like everyone else.
We grieve because we loved.
We don’t grieve for things we don’t give a shit about.
Grief is us mourning the loss of what once was.
If you grieve, it’s a good sign…it means you are able to love and you have a beating heart…hot damn!
Grief or the love we have for those gone from our lives for whatever reason does not disappear…its a feeling…an emotion.
We just learn to live with grief and pour that love into ourselves or others who we love.
We can only share what we already have within us…
Love is just that…
The love we already have inside us is what we share…luckily for us…love is a constant…it just is…it’s always inside us…its ours to keep or share.
There is no time limit on grief and we ALL grieve uniquely.